Battle Raids

Battle Raids is an asynchronous battle experience where players collaborate in epic battles using their Defender NFTs. In Battle Raids, players can select and send multiple Defender NFTs to join the epic battle, with each player's contribution and damage done determining their share of the rewards.

How Battle Raids Work:

  1. Participation and Entry:

  • Players can join Battle Raids by paying a fee in BeachHead Credits (BHC).

  • To participate, players must send at least one Defender NFT into the raid. The Defender NFTs will be locked for the duration of the battle.

  1. Collaborative Asynchronous Battles:

  • Battle Raids operate in an asynchronous battle format, where combat proceeds automatically after players deploy their NFTs.

  • Players can choose how many and which Defender NFTs to send, allowing for strategic decisions based on the capabilities of their NFTs.

  1. Daily Availability:

  • Battle Raids open every day, offering players daily opportunities to participate in epic battles and earn rewards.

  • Each day presents a new raid, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.

Reward System:

  1. Types of Rewards:

  • BeachHead Credits (BHC): Earned based on the player's contribution and damage dealt during the raid. These credits can be used for in-game purchases, upgrades, and more.

  • Weapons and Equipment: Players can receive powerful weapons and equipment, enhancing their arsenal for other game modes.

  • BeachHead Tokens (BHT): BHT, valuable within the game and on cryptocurrency exchanges, can be earned through successful participation.

  1. Contribution-Based Distribution:

  • Rewards are distributed according to each player's contribution, specifically the damage inflicted by their Defender NFTs. Higher contributions result in greater rewards, incentivizing strategic and active participation.

  • If a player decides to unlock a Defender NFT before the raid ends, their contribution will be proportionally reduced based on the time the NFT was active in the battle. This ensures fairness and encourages players to keep their NFTs locked for the entire raid duration.

  1. Daily Rewards:

  • Rewards are distributed at the end of each Battle Raid, ensuring players are consistently motivated to engage in daily battles.

NFT Management:

  1. Locking and Unlocking NFTs:

  • During the Battle Raid, Defender NFTs are locked and cannot be used in other game activities. However, players have the flexibility to unlock their NFTs at any time.

  • If a Defender NFT is unlocked before the raid concludes, the contribution from that NFT is proportionally reduced based on the time it remained locked. This system balances flexibility with strategic commitment.

  1. Strategic Deployment:

  • Players can select the number and specific Defender NFTs to send into each raid, allowing for tailored strategies based on the raid's requirements and the player’s overall game plan.

Advantages of Battle Raids:

  • Collaborative Gameplay: Encourages teamwork and collective strategy, enhancing the community aspect of BeachHead Meta.

  • Asynchronous Battle Convenience: Provides a hands-off battle experience, making it easy for players to participate without constant active engagement.

  • Diverse Rewards: Offers a variety of valuable rewards, including BHC, BHT, and powerful in-game items, enhancing player progression and engagement.

  • Strategic Depth: Adds layers of strategy in selecting and deploying Defender NFTs, rewarding thoughtful gameplay and planning.

  • Daily Engagement: Ensures consistent player engagement with fresh daily content and opportunities to earn rewards.

  • Flexible NFT Management: Allows players to unlock their Defender NFTs anytime, with a fair system that proportionally reduces their contribution if they choose to do so before the raid ends.

Battle Raids in BeachHead Meta offer a unique blend of asynchronous gameplay, strategic NFT management, and rewarding collaboration. Players can participate daily by paying a BHC fee and sending their Defender NFTs into epic battles. The asynchronous nature of the mode ensures ease of participation, while the contribution-based reward system and flexible NFT management keep the gameplay engaging and strategically rich. With a variety of rewards on offer and a system that fairly balances commitment and flexibility, Battle Raids are a vital part of the BeachHead Meta ecosystem, fostering community interaction and continuous player involvement.

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